



  • - (向外用力使物體移動) push; shove:

    push [shove] the door open; 把門推開

    put the shot [weight]; 推鉛球

    - (磨或碾) turn a mill or grindstone; grind:

    grind wheat 推麥子

    - (剪或削) cut; pare:

    plane and polish floor; 推光地板

    have one's head shaved 推個光頭

    - (使事情開展) push forward; promote; advance; extend:

    push ahead with one's work 把工作向前推一步

    - (推斷) deduce; infer:

    deduce ten from one; 因一推十

    infer a motive from an effect 從效果推知動機

    - (辭讓) decline:

    politely decline sb.'s offer 解衣推食

    - (推委; 推托) push away; shift:

    shift the responsibility on to others 把責任推給別人

    - (推遲) put off; postpone; defer:

    put off a meeting for two days 把會議推后兩天

    - (推選; 推舉) elect; select; choose:

    select the capable men and put them in power; 推賢與能

    choose him as a leader 推他為頭

    - (推崇) hold in esteem; praise highly:

    esteem and commend 推許



  1. 他推著手推車沿路走過。
    He trundled a wheelbarrow down the path.
  2. 他推我,我跌了下來。
    He pushed me and I fell over.
  3. 工人們正在推卷線桿。
    The worker is pushing the distaff.
  4. 別把工作都推給我!
    Don't try to shove all the work onto me!
  5. 他把她拖到門口,猛地把她推到馬路上。
    He dragged her out of the door and shoved her into the street.
  6. 他們把小船又往水里推了推。
    They pushed the boat further into the water.
  7. 運動員們離開賽場時,被憤怒的人群推搡著。
    The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
  8. 推銷員拒絕討價還價。
    The salesman refused to bargain over the price.


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