



  • - (手指頭) finger:

    thumb; 拇指

    index finger; 食指

  • - (一個手指頭的寬度) fingerbreadth; digit:

    one fingerbreadth wide; a digit wide; 一指寬

    We had about three inches of rain. 下了四指雨。

  • - (對著; 向著) point at; point to:

    swear by the heaven and sun as witness; 指天盟誓

    He pointed to where the village lay. 他指了指村子所在的方向。

    - (頭發直立) bristle:

    make sb. bristle with anger 令人發指

    - (指點) indicate; demonstrate; show; point out:

    indicate the position on a map; 指出地圖上的位置

    show him the way he asked; 指給他尋問的去處

    - (意思上指著) refer to; direct at:

    That remark does not refer to [direct at] her. 那句話不是指她說的。

    - (仰仗;依靠) count on; depend on; rely on:

    depend on the wages for living; 就指著工資生活呢

    You can't just count upon one single person to get the work done properly. 單指一個人是不能把事情做好的。



  1. 你雙手手指的總數是10。
    The number of your finger is ten.
  2. 針刺進了她的手指。
    The needle pierced her finger.
  3. 小男孩的手指讓墨水給染臟了。
    The little boy stained his fingers with ink.
  4. 她的手指腫脹是手指內有異物引起的。
    The swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.
  5. 她舉起一根手指放在唇邊,示意肅靜。
    She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
  6. 這木料腐爛透了,你可以用手指戳穿它。
    The wood was so rotten that you could put your finger through it.
  7. 她躺在池子邊上,用手指玩水。
    She lay at the side of the pool and paddled in the water with her fingers.
  8. 鋼筆從我指縫中滑下去了。
    The pen slips out of my fingers.


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